ERA-SME - Regione Toscana: selection of projects for SMEs

Through this call the Region of Tuscany intends to select research projects developed by partnerships in research, innovation and demonstration, particularly in support of development and support of SMEs in the following areas:

  • ICT for modeling, design and manufactural processing
  • ICT for Life Sciences
  • Applications micrometric and nanometric
  • New materials
  • Advanced Mechanics
  • Fixed networks and mobile telecommunications, data transmission, services and applications
  • Optoelectronic systems
  • Navigation systems and informabilit�

The purpose of the notice, financed by the Fund under Areas (FAS) Law 350/2003 art. 4 paragraphs 128 and 129, is to strengthen the collaboration between SMEs and research centers from different countries and increase its competitive ability in international networks, promoting and supporting the creation of innovative research and development transaction.


May apply for financing companies established in the territory of the Region Tuscany in the Objective 2 or Phasing Out.


The resources available ammontanoa � 100,000.00 by the FAS to be increased with additional resources that will become available during 2007.
The contribution is set at a level equal to 40% GGE of eligible expenses, which may be increased up to a maximum of 50% GGE if the project involves effective cooperation between firms and research institutions (universities or CNR) or with public or private credit research by MIUR

For more detailed information consult