Economy of the Province of Pisa

Pisan The economic system is characterized by different activities in industry, tourism and food sectors.
In recent years have been reassessed the potential of 'industry, it has an' economic activity of considerable importance, because of the significant presence of major industrial districts: nautica, footwear, mechanical, chemical and pharmaceutical products, leather.

Pisa is the main support center for business services: suitable to perform the role of support and promotion of industrial development for small and medium enterprises through infrastructure such as the Technology Park, the center for research Cnr, l ' Universities and 'airport.


The local government, encourage direct investment in the territory, by exploiting the potential that the city offers as a whole.
The geographical position of the city, combined with skills professional and research grafted a growth process of development, research and innovation at the national level.

The main areas in which the system is productive and gives life to 'Pisan economy are:

  • Real Estate
  • Commercial
  • Handicrafts
  • Shoes
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical
  • Trade
  • Wine and Food - Agriculture
  • Higtech
  • Nautica
  • Oil
  • Leather
  • Tourism
  • Wine

Construction company - Genoans Costruzioni SpA

Genovesi Construction firm Costruzioni SpA The Genovesi Construction is a joint stock company that operates mainly in the regional construction sector, designing and carrying out schemes of housing, industrial, commercial and complex programs of urban redevelopment.

The Genovesi Construction marked its operating activities, since its origins, with seriousness and reliability, according to human principles, ethical and important industrial, embedded and shared by all its employees.


Real Estate

Pisan the real estate market is growing. This increase is partly due to the presence of university students, and in part to broaden the industrial area and the province of Pisa. The Chamber of Commerce of Pisa has created a structure called Borsa Immobiliare Pisana: inside real estate agents operate highly specialized in the field. Target Stock Exchange is to develop and strengthen the professionalism of the operators of the property market, ensuring quality public services.


Large retailers in the province of Pisa, was the subject of great growth in recent years: a resounding boom that has brought the province of Pisa in first place in Tuscany, with its 237.2 square meters for the large distribution of food and non - .

However, despite the boom in supermarkets, retail stores still hold. The exercises are not food grown so glaring: from 4438 became 4575. Same goes for supermarkets. The growth of large retailers in Tuscany, however, as the leaders of the region, given by towing to the media and small business grew by 10% and 6%. Especially thanks to projects for the promotion of natural active centers on Pisae province.


The traditional market of the province of Pisa is appreciated all over the world thanks to his vocation and the wealth of noble materials and precious of which is rich territory: the wood and 'alabaster, used by many companies and shops in pisan' art of 'cut and' inlay, with a tradition consolidated over time, but always looking for new forms that characterize the current Italian handicrafts in the international field. A Company of the tip for the production of bags and boxes is Petito Fedele which makes bags for jewelry, for jewelry, gifts, pens, shoes and cosmetics but also for promotional bags, watches and kit hotel.

Also remind Unique an original reality dedicated to artistic recovery. Creating unique and unrepeatable, through the restoration and re-engineering of objects and materials of modern and antique forms and uses new and different.

Settore Turistico

It 'an area which is of considerable importance in the provincial economy. The activities involved positively by tourism are: hotels, restaurants, shops, construction, handicraft production, agro-food, local transport and museum activities.

We point out in particular through the Last Minute Tuscany to search for last minute and for the organization of trips in Tuscany We offer holidays in Tuscany . To see photos of the town of Pisa you can visit the portal of the city of Pisa which are also present video.

There are also tour guides and environmental hiking guides.


In the areas of chemical and pharmaceutical industry in the province of Pisa, operate businesses that have a historical tradition within the high power units in production and marketing.
Thanks to a deeply rooted entrepreneurial culture, the Relations between large companies and smaller, feeding a system of considerable technological expertise, which will produce more and more provincial advances in international markets.

The chemical sector has a number of companies spread across the production of chemicals and synthetic fibers, plastics and rubber, processing of non-metallic. Equally significant is by the pharmaceutical industry where the presence of some companies (Abiogen Pharma, Istituto Gentili, Farmigea, Laboratori Baldacci, Laboratori Guidotti) ensure excellent levels of quality and margin growth of interest.

Associations and Territoriali

  • Confapi - Confederazione Italian small and medium industries
  • Industrial Union of Pisa
  • Association between Industriali della Provincia di Pisa
  • Confartigianato Association Della Provincia Di Pisa
  • CNA Associazione Provinciale di Pisa
  • Casartigiani
  • ACAI Pisa
  • Confesercenti
  • Confcommercio
  • Italian Farmers Confederation Tuscany
  • Coldiretti
  • Confagricoltura
  • Legacoop
  • UNCI Tuscany
  • Confcooperative Tuscany
  • Tanners Association Santa Croce on e
  • Tanners Bridge consortium to Egola - Pisa

Companies Sectors Details

We point out an interesting company for the clean contaminated sites Egecosa Srl, the Italian-Dutch company. One of reclamation of former industrial sites and contaminated sites in general, are the preconditions peruna urban eco-sustainable. The presence of contaminated sites is one of the most serious environmental crises of our times, as witnessed, increasingly, the facts of record.

Useful links for Pisa

Holidays in Pisa - History, art, culture, hotels, bed and breakfast, museums, exhibitions, festivals, folk festivals etc.